Enterprise software development

Customized and developed portal websites, e-commerce websites, mobile APPs, WeChat applets, and company management systems for small and medium-sized enterprises.

The development team consists of a local team and a Chinese team. Professional software engineers will communicate with you about your needs, conduct demand analysis, and tailor the most suitable software system solution according to the company's business conditions.

The team has been working in Spain for many years and has rich experience in developing websites, menu and ordering systems, and mobile APPs.


ERP/CRM Software adaptation

BOI has a wealth of software ecosystem partners that enable your company to quickly achieve digital transformation based on cloud technology.

Currently, it can provide the company's purchase, sales and inventory, customer relations, accounting and finance, corporate documents, project management and other related systems. Global interconnection is deployed on the cloud, allowing you to realize the cloudification of enterprise data in one stop, improve work efficiency and easily realize digital transformation.

All your business on one platform

Simple, efficient, yet affordable!.

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