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Company Establishment

BOI provides high-end consulting services such as strategy, investment, economic and trade docking, channel expansion, etc. for Chinese capital to go overseas, helping enterprises to gain a deep understanding of the local market and business environment, and find the right direction for going overseas.

And meanwhile BOI acts as an agent for European business for Chinese companies without Europe branch.

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Talent Hunting

BOI provides Chinese-English-French-Portuguese-speaking high-end talent hunting services for Chinese-funded enterprises, help enterprises find high-end talents suitable for the local business environment, and help enterprises expand the southern European market.

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BOI provides services such as event planning, material design and production, and execution of marketing activities for enterprises in the Iberian Peninsula, including but not limited to exhibitions, roadshows, summits, company annual meetings, entrepreneurial competitions, etc.

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Administrative Services

BOI provides enterprises with corporate administrative services such as house rental, decoration design, furniture purchase, property management company, temporary holiday event organization, furniture leasing, etc., as well as personal services such as visas for expatriate employees, local residence card processing, local accompanying translation for employees, and employee insurance.

BOI — Helping Chinese-funded Enterprises to Europe

China's investment in Europe is a big blue ocean. From the point of view of the investment community, even if a company only focuses on plankton on the sea surface, it still has the opportunity to obtain huge profits. Being in a foreign country, facing a language, culture, law, and uncertain IT work environment that is very different from the domestic one, choose a partner correctly to reduce interference and focus more on the business.

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